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Thoughts on Morality 1.0

I think this society should try to learn to put more respects to people, especially modern women.

I do know that we are living in Indonesia, I do know that people cannot easily accept the idea of "freedom". But I think people should really learn to put more respects on us, the modern women.

Even if we go home late almost every night, that does not mean society can directly assume that we just did something "bad". The definition of "bad" in society is even so absurd. 
Even if we go home late every night, does not mean that you can put prejudice and judge us bad. Well probably it is normal that everyone is judging, but if that is so, every person should just keep the bad judgements on themselves and not spreading it to others. 
Even if we go home late every night, does not mean you can have rights to give us those "cheapy" and "full bad judgement" looks and sights on us. 

People probably would say that I'm way too liberal or else. But people forget the fact that we, youth nowadays, have a really high productivity and mobile life. 8 hours of working time is just never enough for us to finish our goals in daily basis. We do work late, and we cannot longer depend on the life that is only "living" from 8 am to 9 pm. 

I think people should even redefine their concept of morality. I think what mostly goes to "morality" concept in people is only based on whether we wear "enough" clothes or not, or based on what time we go home. Morality should be about how to put more respect in people, and not harming the others. 
Oh, well probably society forget that by "warning" us because we do go home late is harming. It is. It really is. I cannot tell how many times girls are being the shameful gossip topic talked by the neighborhoods because they go home after work late. I cannot tell how many stories of women being "warned" by the house owners and being judge that every guy drive her home is her "boyfriend", while in fact no. 

Dear society, not everyone believes the majorities' believes, not everyone is on the same religion as you, and not everyone accepting your values.

We, modern women have tried so hard to deal with your standard. We accept the fact that it's not ok for us to go outside with less clothes and if we got raped, it is our false. And those other patriarchal rules, women can be successfull but not as successfull as or not as dominant as men, or career women should still be good wives. We do accept and respect that. 

I think morality is how we accept people's differences, and as long as what they are doing is not harming the others, we should not harm them with everything that they do. 

We do smile to the elders on the street or to the strangers. We do bow to the elders and other respectful people. But what do we get? Those catcalls for what we wear, and those sights for our maked up face.

I do hope society put more respects on the others. Their concept of morality that is mostly based on sins in religion, is not always applicable for everyone. Not everyone believes in that, not everyone thinks the sins they do is bad for society. As long as it does not harm you or break the country's rules, please do not bother. 

We do not kill, we do not throw rubbish not in the place, we do not smash or harm your property. We just live our lives with this very high of productivity and mobility. We do respect you that you try to make us behave well in your way, but we are tired with those dirty, slutty, sinner, or any other cheapy labels you always put on us due to our clothes, our working hours and our friends.

Modern women.


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