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Contoh Essay dalam B.inggris

seperti di postingan gue sebelumnya, gue pernah share tentang tips2 nulis beasiswa biar tembus buat univ2 dalam negri...

and there you gooo...
berikut ini adalah 2 essay gue yg tembus di universitas paramadina...
*jadi beasiswa universitas paramadia itu ada 2 tahap, tahap pertama seleksi essay dari 1000 peserta seluruh indonesia, akan dipilih 150 essay/peserta untuk ikut tahap kedua yaitu tahap interview...dan berikut adalah kedua essay gue yg bikin gue lolos tahap interview beasiswa paramadia *pengumumannya sih belom, doain ja yaa*
oia essay yang gue tulis dua duanya pake bahasa inggris *walaupun gak diwajibin dari pihak univ* tapi pake bahasa asing itu jadi nilai plus

1. temanya = Janjiku untuk Indonesia


Indonesia is a big country from its size. But Indonesia isn’t a big country in prosperity. I love my country but I’m disappointed with miss managements of it. It’s so sad to see our generations are the ones that mostly say “this country isn’t good, someday I’ll runaway and live abroad, not here”. We as the generation are supposed to make a brighter future for Indonesia. I promise myself to create a brighter future for Indonesia and for the world, as possible as I can. And this is my promise to Indonesia.
Before I can change the world, I have to change my country. Before I change my country, I have to change the society, and before I change anyone else, I have to change myself.
Graduate from high school is like a step to go outside of the house. We'll find the real adventure. To get my dreams, I have to do some things. I’ll continue my education to university and take “international relation” major. For about 4 years ahead, I’m having a goal to be a good student. I will concern with my major, join student organizations and activities, and also be active in society.
I know that for now I still don’t know for sure what I’ll do for Indonesia, but I believe, along my education while trying to be a good student, active in organizations and society, I will find the way to improve my country. But however I have to make plans for my life to reach dreams for Indonesia.
I’m 18 years old when I join in the university, and with this young age, there are so many chances that I can take. I can be a good student and active in the student council, be active in many student activities, get a study visit in a company, and take a part in the society like joining the society forums.
A good country isn’t determined by the economy condition only, but also in international relation. With this international relation major, I can be a diplomat or a foreign ministry, and if I could become one of them, I’ll make Indonesia have more relations with other countries in as many sectors as possible. For example, in economy I’ll enlarge Indonesia’s roles in international market, I’ll fix the problem of TKI in other countries. In education, I’ll make more schools that have cooperation with other countries, and enlarge opportunity for scholarship aboard, and many more.
I’ll make Indonesia’s relations with the other countries be better in every sector, take more roles in international, and stuff. But most of all I’d be an agent of change for society around me and I’ll use my power and position to spread the power of education, give people real example on how a high education can bring a bright future, and I can only do that by gaining a bright future for my own. That’s the very first step to create a bright future of Indonesia.

2. tema = perjuangan hidup

My debate as my starting point

I found my close friends in Junior High School, who introduced me with a thing called “dream”. We made dreams together, one of them was that we want to study aboard, succeed in life, and together we will build an Indonesian restaurant in USA.
In my 1st grade of vocational high school, I applied for student exchange from AFS, but I failed. I applied again from Nacel Open Door organization and this time I was selected as Indonesian delegation for 1 year student exchange in USA but I couldn’t take it due to some financial problem.
My entire journey started since I joined English Debate Club. Almost every day I come home late because of the routine training after school. I joined debate competitions from regional until national level for 2 periods. I joined national level in 2010, but I didn’t in 2011. I didn’t lose my passion because of that and pay it by became the Jabodetabek Best Speaker in SMAN 1 Depok.
To be a different student, I have to make more efforts in order to get bigger results than the others. With this club, I get can go to many places, know things about governance, politic, economic, world, war, and stuff. And now, I become the coach for my juniors.
I learn that I have to keep trying my best, hoping high, and expecting less, and the best achievement is the one that has gone through the hardest struggle. And I’m thankful for being in this club, because my debate life is my starting point to my dreams.

that's it contoh yang bisa gue kasih...semoga berguna buat kalian yang lagi bingung nyari contoh essay buat apply beasiswa...dan goodluck yaaa


amorous_evil said…
duh gw stuck, tulisannya bagus banget mas..ada ide ga buat gw kira-kira cerita apa klo pengen ngambil jurusan IT for bissiness?? -_-
amorous_evil said…
duh gw stuck, tulisannya bagus banget mas..ada ide ga buat gw kira-kira cerita apa klo pengen ngambil jurusan IT for bissiness?? -_-
Oktafia Putri said…
kalau untuk business mungkin ya bisa seperti planning kamu untuk bidang business tersebut..sperti slain untuk mnguntungkan diri sendiri, kamu juga harus punya plan business untuk indonesia
Unknown said…
bagus kak, jujur saya trtarik sama b.inggris tp saya bingung soal grammar
nisa said…
Keren, bahasanya mudah di pahami :)
Oktafia Putri said…
lah kalau begitu les saja lah. hehe
Unknown said…
ada ide ga buat aku kira-kira cerita apa kalo jurusan IT for bisnis?? -_-
Oktafia Putri said…
trgantung tema dari essaydari universitas tjuannya. intinya sih berusaha nyambungin ttg jurusan kamu, apa yg bisa kamu kontribusikan untik jurusan, universitas, masyarakat sekitar sama negara.
Unknown said…
pengen ke HI juga.. tapi bisa gak yah kalo dari IPA ?? :/
Oktafia Putri said…
bisa kok anak IPA jadi HI. banyak yg kaya gitu. pasti bisa kalau niat.
semangaat :3
Anonymous said…
Ksi contoh essay potensi diri donk. lg btuh ni.

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