yesterday, nearing the midnight, suddenly i have some random thoughts *i guess people used to get that to in terms of midnight*
when i open my twitter, and a friend of mine is online there so i see his tweets, suddenly i remember about his old jerk behavior.. yeaaa he (claims) that he was a former playboy..
theeen here are my thought about playboy (which i guess, i already had a case with a playboy)..ah, forget my case! let's just discuss it in general level, and i don't wanna discuss it as my case because i don't want people to think that i'm "galau" or insecure caused of playboy..i mean, come oooon... i wasn't even being broken hearted girl because of that kind of shameful (then damn, that's i already discuss my own case) oke..move on
what is playboy actually? oooor i think that i don't need to define the playboy here because i believe that most of us already have our own definition about playboy right?
so here some of my thoughts about playboy's behaviors
(what i see is) some of my friends that i count as playboy, they never put their picture with their girlfriend in their social media account (morely like facebook or twitter, aside of blackberry messenger, because they even being more showing off in blackberry messenger cause it is actually a place to do so).
i think that the reason why playboys like them never put their photo with their girl on the social media accounts, because their girlfriends are just for certain time, not for serious long time..and changing girls for them is as easy as changing clothes (that's they don't want to change their icons so much like, eeeerrrg, disguisting).. :O wooo
then it's so easy for them to say i love you like they mean it, and do sweet things like those come from their hearts, when those never do..(those sweet things are actually some bullshits they get used to do to soooo many girls.. so it feels like they are not even nervous in doing those lies of sweet things..because they are the expert..they have already done them with so many girls) lalalala
and crazy thing is they'll feel like it is kind of achievement if they get girls, making girls falling hard for them, and leaving girls hanging like crap (oh maaaan)!!
and those playboys will only say "sorry" with flat faces and say "i won't change" or even "i will never change" and in my case he said "nothing's gonna change, not for me and you" (oh come on), but the next days, they do Public Display Affection with a slut (or sometime with an another victim)...*yuhuuuu*
they will do that Public Display Affection like they're so proud on showing to people that they can change on having girls as fast as changing clothes
and a guy friend of mine (a good one, not playboy, i know it) mentioned me by saying like "they are not even nervous, eh? just like it's their daily meals"
and i replied like: "ah, so truuuueee..changing girls just like changing shoes for them. when the shoes get dirtier, doesn't look good anymore, not fungsional anymore, they're already get bored with it, then they just move from this girl to another one" (eeerrrggh how disguisting)
and i said to him like, i hope all of the playboys on earth will get their own karmas because like, i really hate them...i mean, who the fuck they think they are? how can they play with girls hearts just like playing with their x-boxes or PSPs? eeeerrrgg!!
my friend think those playboys are thinking like they are handsome and stuff wheeeen, yaaa, i have to admit it (cuih) that even the reason they're becoming a playboy is because they are handsome (oh god, the use God's gift to violate other's hearts) like damn!!
and i'm thinking again about the symbol of playboy...why is it signed as a head or rabbit? why rabbit? "hhhmmmm maybe it's because they are the same like rabbits who like to jump.....jumping from one girl to another" lol yea -____-
and the last, what mostly happen is like this.
and when the girls ask "any girl aside me?" to her boy (which is playboy) he will answer like "no..its only you" when it actually means, "not yet"
and even those playboys says forever love to the girl, this forever means to the meaning of "until the next girl"...DAMN LOL !!
well, the debate is on, and the opinion is yours 
