Dear June
Thanks for everything you’ve given to me..
Since then, i think it was the greatest June in my
Thank you for all of the new experiences, new great places, new great friends, and new “he’s mine” in my life :P
Dear June...
17-20 June, in Universitas Siswa Banga International, Center of Jakarta’s regional governor’s building, Museum Gajah, and Arion Swiss-Bel Hotel, thank you for the luxurious, glamour, and great Jakarta Model United Nations 2013..
Thank you for the experiences with Adies, Bunga, Ka Hanny, Ka Keval, dan ka Arif
Since i was in many debate competitions, i think this MUN was the competition where i could only feel the joy inside..especially for the friends :)
it’s so great for having such a crazy, great, amazing, funny friends like them...
Dear June...
It should be the sad part..
But im thankful for this day to come..
Yea, the farewell and also birthday celebration for my brother ical
I will be missing you here, in Bakrie, cal..
No lie..
Thank you for the full day, 25th June 2013 :)

Dear June...
I was so excited with JOVED coming in 28th June, but then the day before i went to Malang which was in Wednesday, 26th June 2013...
I won’t forget..
Thank you for coming and giving me this kind of "complete comfort zone" again :)
Thank you June..
Thank you

Dear June...
Well, this should be the longest part..
Thank you for the JOVED 2013..
Actually it’s not about JOVED...
But i finally feel that they are my true family...EDS BAKRIE
Thank you for all..
I know it’s all hard..
We fight sometimes, we argue, we hate each other while debating, we got stress, we pass the pressure together, the tears, the hugs, the pressures, the angers, the “warming each other” things, the stories, the pillows, the bed, the blanket, the drink, the shared foods, the games, every single little silly things everything we share together..thank you!
Thank you JOVED for making us even stronger, tighter, aaaaannddd..i don't know..i guess thank you for making us loving each other even more...
For all the obstacles, all the excuses from me, all the members' families interests, for all the things we learn, get, do, lose, and achieve together...I LOVE YOU EDS BAKRIE...I love you teamates: Arie, Yeyen, Rani...I love you Ka Fia, Ka Rangga, Ka Eyi, Ka Andrew...thank you everyone in this big family..
Thank you!
Thanks for everything you’ve given to me..
Since then, i think it was the greatest June in my
Thank you for all of the new experiences, new great places, new great friends, and new “he’s mine” in my life :P
Dear June...
17-20 June, in Universitas Siswa Banga International, Center of Jakarta’s regional governor’s building, Museum Gajah, and Arion Swiss-Bel Hotel, thank you for the luxurious, glamour, and great Jakarta Model United Nations 2013..
Thank you for the experiences with Adies, Bunga, Ka Hanny, Ka Keval, dan ka Arif
Since i was in many debate competitions, i think this MUN was the competition where i could only feel the joy inside..especially for the friends :)
it’s so great for having such a crazy, great, amazing, funny friends like them...
Dear June...
It should be the sad part..
But im thankful for this day to come..
Yea, the farewell and also birthday celebration for my brother ical
I will be missing you here, in Bakrie, cal..
No lie..
Thank you for the full day, 25th June 2013 :)

Dear June...
I was so excited with JOVED coming in 28th June, but then the day before i went to Malang which was in Wednesday, 26th June 2013...
I won’t forget..
Thank you for coming and giving me this kind of "complete comfort zone" again :)
Thank you June..
Thank you

Dear June...
Well, this should be the longest part..
Thank you for the JOVED 2013..
Actually it’s not about JOVED...
But i finally feel that they are my true family...EDS BAKRIE
Thank you for all..
I know it’s all hard..
We fight sometimes, we argue, we hate each other while debating, we got stress, we pass the pressure together, the tears, the hugs, the pressures, the angers, the “warming each other” things, the stories, the pillows, the bed, the blanket, the drink, the shared foods, the games, every single little silly things everything we share together..thank you!
Thank you JOVED for making us even stronger, tighter, aaaaannddd..i don't know..i guess thank you for making us loving each other even more...
For all the obstacles, all the excuses from me, all the members' families interests, for all the things we learn, get, do, lose, and achieve together...I LOVE YOU EDS BAKRIE...I love you teamates: Arie, Yeyen, Rani...I love you Ka Fia, Ka Rangga, Ka Eyi, Ka Andrew...thank you everyone in this big family..
Thank you!