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october-november 2010

all the story began from me...

i joined this thing with a really big hope...i followed all the scenario and process....and it wad really great until the day i had to join the war...the war that i waited since the first day i became a debater....

and the amazing story began in october 2010.. probably, the reason why i could became one of the delegates from jakarta for the national level, was because of the "miracle"...but i didnt care...because something happened here..

it was about in october 4th, the first day my training there...i was in the place where all the people are my senior...u guys looked so clever....and i knew u really are...

i didnt talk much with u all, for the first day....but all was really good in the second day...i found some interesting things from u guys....i knew we were the perfect team...we were so clop from the beginning...

since that more senior and junior...all was about us..about team....

we spent everyday together..trough sad and happy and stressful days...and i still even remember...the day when natasha cried out loud about something....i still even remember how ka halim and us did our best to put smile on her cheek....

days went by days...everyday was so full of memories....we were there together no matter matter how much we matter how much we were up and down....we were still there together anyway...

this might be just little things for u all, but this is really a big thing for me...

there was at least, 2 days that i will never ever forget..
1st : the day we plaid cars together, in the middle of the night..and making our faces became sooooo
2nd : the day when i got that notification about studying abroad...i was so grateful of seeing u guys happy for me...

*can't forget this night when we played cars together while our coach was*
*that was ka Nonop on the left, and then there was me, then ka Natasha, and the last on the right is ka Egi..the only man on the team*

that one month together was kinda a big story of my i learn to be a good observer and listener for u guys, there...but the most important thing that i get from this was...i found the great people in my real life...

hope u all will never forget our little story which means so much for me....
thank u for being my big brothers and sisters...thank u for teaching me so many things....thank u for being the real inspirations for me...thank u for being my friends and teachers....thank u for everything...

*i dedicate this for my great teamates : ka egi, ka nonop, and ka natasha^^
miss u guys,, a lot !!

*this was my hand written on the paper that we out in our present for ka "natasha's 17th so happy when she said that was her best birthday ever :)

*introducing you: ka Nonop :D

*ka Egi...what are you doing with that trophy?? love it too much?? lol

*great team, great family sat

*wow...scandal between ka nonop and ka egi??...xD

*ka Egi have scandal again with Ka natasha?? OMG ka Egi >.<

*i think i was the only member that wasn't involved in the "egi playing list" haha*

*a morning in the hotel after a really looooong training session in the midnight

*scandal again..oh nooo
 *we were with our greaaaaatt coach :D novriady erman
*we were at the hotel in Bandung but i forget the name....


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